João Parracha, master’s student at NOVA University, currently developing his thesis at LNEC’s Structural Behaviour Unit under the scientific supervision of researcher Lina Nunes, was awarded the Rich Ziobro Award for "Best Poster Presentation" by the International Research Group on Wood Protection.
The award was announced during the 50th Annual Meeting of the International Research Group on Wood Protection, which took place from 12 – 16 May 2019, on Quebec, Canada.
DEC/FCT/UNL congratulates the student and his supervisor for this award.
Rich Ziobro Award for "Best Poster Presentation": Mr. João Parracha (LNEC and NOVA University, Portugal)
Parracha, J L, Pereira, M F, Maurício, A, Faria, P, Nunes, L. Using X-ray micro-CT to evaluate density loss in anobiid infested wood. Document nº IRG/WP 19-10956.