Nos dias 17 e 18 de junho, o Professor Giovanni Garcea, da Universidade da Calábria, Itália, proferirá três palestras no âmbito da Mecânica dos Sólidos Computacional.
A entrada é livre.
dia 17| 14h00| Ed. IX |Sala 4.17
Part 1. A numerical formulation of Koiter's theory for buckling and
initial post-buckling analysis of shells and thin-walled structures
dia 17| 15h00| Ed. IX |Sala 4.17
Part 2. Advantages of the mixed format in geometrically nonlinear
analysis of slender structures
dia 18| 14h00| Ed. IX |Sala 4.17
Part 3. A large rotation finite element analysis of flexible bodies
by incremental rotation vector and exact strain measure