
Intensive Training Course for Students do projeto Erasmus plus: Back2Future


Entre os dias 15 e 26 de novembro, decorreu o Intensive Training course for Students no âmbito do projeto Back2Future: "Building with Sustainable Local Traditional Materials"

Back2Future é um projeto Erasmus plus KA, no âmbito da ação de Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practice. Strategic partnerships for higher education, liderado pelo Departmento de Engenharia Civil da FCT NOVA.

Mais de 40 pessoas participaram neste curso entre estudantes e professores da Dinamarca, Grécia, Polónia, Lituânia e Portugal.

Project Back2Future aims are to fulfill future demands in higher education including innovation, sustainability, international, transdisciplinar and entrepreneurial approaches for teaching of students in design and building with high performance, sustainable local/traditional and advanced materials (e.g. wood, stone, clay, thatch, etc.). Sustainable materials have a lower impact on environment and greenhouse gas emissions and can be thermally efficient.